Creating TimeFinder/Clone device pairs

Open the dialog

Right-click the device group and select Replication, TimeFinder/Clone to open the TimeFinder Wizard.

Select the Clone Type.
Edit Pairs
Click the Edit Pairs button.


Select Pairs

Optional: Use the Filters to populate the device lists with specific configurations, device emulation types, and/or device capacity sizes.

When you click on a Source device, the Target devices that can be paired with that device display in the Target table. Select both Source and Target devices and click Add to move them to the Device Pair List.
Click Apply to save the device pairs and continue pairing devices; click OK when finished.

Select pairs
Select the Action Create.
Select the device pairs or click Select All to select all pairs. Click Next.

Optional: Select any of the operation Options:
·        Copy: Create full data copy. By omitting this option (default), the device pair state will be in the CopyOnAccess state when activated. Actual copying of the data is deferred until either tracks on the source device are written to, or tracks on the target device are read or written
·        Differential: Used with either the Copy or Precopy option to create an SDDF session for maintaining changed track information. Must be used when creating copy sessions on which you plan on issuing a Restore action
·        PreCopy:Used with the create and recreate actions to start copying tracks in the background before the Clone session is activated
·        Force: Overrides any restrictions and forces the operation, even though one or more of the paired devices may not be in the expected state. Use caution when checking this option because improper use may result in data loss.

Click Finish.

View the session status
To view the status of the TimeFinder session, select the device group (in Properties view) and click the Clone Query tab.

The key things to verify are the sessionState and the % Copied.


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