LUN Expansion - Striped R5 Meta

In the below Example
046d - exiting meta members
<xxxx> - Symmetric SID
16d9:16da -  Newly Created members
041c - Existing member Meta Head

Steps to expand a striped R5 Meta:
  • Ensure the members to add are copied from the exiting members of the meta we are expanding. Size, DG, Disk type and all other attributes should be same as exiting meta members. You can ensure this by just copying one of the meta members: 
symconfigure -cmd "configure 2 devices copying dev 046d;” commit -sid <xxxx>
  • Create a BCV that will be used by Enginuity to copy the data from exiting meta to BCV during the meta expansion.
symconfigure -cmd "configure 1 devices copying dev 046c overriding config=bcv;" commit -sid <xxxx>

  • Add members to exiting Meta:
symconfigure -sid <xxxx> -cmd "add dev 16d9:16da to meta 046c, protect_data=TRUE, bcv_meta_head=041c;" preview –v
symconfigure -sid <xxxx> -cmd "add dev 16d9:16da to meta 046c, protect_data=TRUE, bcv_meta_head=041c;" commit –v

If The Expansion was failing because of inconsistent SCSI_3 PER FLAG.
  • Check SYMAPI logs for the exact error.
07/07/2015 21:05:49.771 2664 18992 EMC:SYMCONFIGURE cfgLogSymmwinError cfgSwSubmit call to silsw_DoSymmWinService for SWS_CONFIG_SUBMIT_CHANGE failed with code: SWRS_INVALID_SERVICE_DATA
07/07/2015 21:05:50.651 2664 18992 EMC:SYMCONFIGURE cfgSwSubmit SID 000xxxxxxxxx: config server msg: 0x4000224f: Meta group of Volume 46C contains volumes that have the flag vf3_scsi_persistent set on and off.

The flag should be the same for all the volumes in the meta group.
07/07/2015 21:05:52.204 2664 18992 A change definition record is in error, Undefine it or Abort the session
07/07/2015 21:05:52.204 2664 18992 Submitting configuration changes..........................Failed.
07/07/2015 21:05:56.282 2664 18992 Terminating session with configuration server.............Done.
  • I ensured all the meta head/members and BCV head/members have SCSI_3 Persistence enabled and enabled SCSI_3 for members I was adding:
Symconfigure –sid <xxxx> –cmd “set device 16d9 attribute=SCSI3_persist_reserv;” commit –v
Symconfigure –sid <xxxx> –cmd “set device 16da attribute=SCSI3_persist_reserv;” commit -v
  • Also when the devices and the bcv that you’ve created is compatible with existing meta it will be show in GUI to expand:

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