How to generate Diagnostic file from ViPR SRM GUI & CLI

Process for GUI:
1. To generate the Diagnostic file for the entire SRM server set, navigate to the centralized management page
In the left pane expand the tree and navigate to the 'Logs and Diagnostics' section > Select 'Diagnostic Files' > Click on "Generate Diagnostic Files" button (which will collect and compress all logs and configuration files for each server in the installation).
Once that function completes then click the "Download" button which will move the files to a location of your choice (default is Downloads directory).

Link to diagnostics window
http://<srm front end server>:58080/centralized-management/#/audit/diagnostics

Process for CLI:

From command prompt cd to:
Run: diagnostic.cmd
This will create

Run the following command:
This will create the file DiagnosticFiles.tar.gz within the /tmp directory

If unable to save the diagnostics file to the tmp directory due to lack of disk space, you can change the destination by doing the following:
- Log into the host in question
- Edit /APG/Tools/APG-Diagnostic-Tools/Default/bin/
- Look for the entry in the file TARFILE="/tmp/DiagnosticFiles.tar"
- Replace the tmp directory with the directory location you wish to save the DiagnosticFiles.tar
- Rerun the script /APG/bin/./ and the DiagnosticFiles.tar will be placed in the new location when it completes

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