Powershell Script for AD GPO Replication

Powershell Script for AD GPO Replication:

Purpose: I got 1 project request that i have to replicate the current OU Structure to Another location/OU in same domain. So i wrote a script to replicate the OU structure, later customer requested to link the GPOs as it was in Source OU to target OU. so i wrote below script.
OU replication powershell script i will post in another post.


# Import the Active Directory module
import-module activedirectory
# Import the Group Policy module
Import-Module GroupPolicy
# Source for GPO links
$Source = "<OU Path;Ex: OU=Test1,DC=XX,DC=XXXXX,DC=com>"
# Target where we want to set the new links
$Target = "<OU Path;Ex: OU=Test2,DC=XX,DC=XXXXX,DC=com>"
#Main Function
[array] $OUs = @()
$OUs = dsquery * $Source -Filter "(objectCategory=organizationalUnit)" -limit 0
$OUsorted = $OUs | sort-object { $_.Length}
for ($k=0; $k -le $OUsorted.Count -1; $k++)
    $sourceOuSearck = $OUsorted[$k].ToString()
    $sourceOulink = ($sourceOuSearck -replace '"',"").ToString()
    $linked = (Get-GPInheritance -Target $sourceOulink).gpolinks
    $targetlinkpoint = ($OUsorted[$k] -replace $Source,$Target).ToString()
    $TargetOULink = ($targetlinkpoint -replace '"',"").ToString()
    # Loop through each GPO and link it to the target
     foreach ($link in $linked)
            $guid = $link.GPOId
            $order = $link.Order
            $enabled = $link.Enabled
        if ($enabled)
            $enabled = "Yes"
                # Create the link on the target
                New-GPLink -Guid $guid -Target $TargetOULink -LinkEnabled $enabled -confirm:$false
                # Set the link order on the target
                Set-GPLink -Guid $guid -Target $TargetOULink -Order $order -confirm:$false
            $enabled = "No"

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