Powershell script to create Bulk User Accounts and add then to AD group in parllel.

Powershell script to create Bulk User Accounts and add them to AD group in parllel.
Purpose: Request to Create bulk user accounts like 100+ for testing and add to AD Group
Comment for improvement

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$totalusers = <Provide the no of users you want to create, Ex: 50>
for ($i=0; $i -lt $totalusers; $i++)
  $userID = "{0:00}" -f ($i + 1)
//below is cmd to user account name like Test01, Test02...etc; change the cmd according to the format.
  $userName = "Test$userID"

  Write-Host "Creating AD user" ($i + 1) "of" $totalusers ":" $userName
New-ADUser -Name $userName -Path  "<OU path to create user Account;ex:CN=Users,DC=XX,DC=XXXXX,DC=XXX" -SamAccountName $userName -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "<EnterPassword>" -AsPlainText -Force) -ChangePasswordAtLogon $false -Enabled $true -Description "Description of the Account" -Notes "<any notes if you would like to add>" -PasswordNeverExpires $True -UserPrincipalName  $_."userName" + "@<DomainName,ex:XXXXXX.com>" -GivenName $userName -DisplayName $userName
//you can comment out below line, if you wouldn't like to add user to any ad group
 Add-ADGroupMember "<AD group name to add User to>" $userName;

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