DMX-4 Interview Questions

DMX-4 Interview Questions
VCM Database
The Symmetrix Volume Configuration Management (VCM) database stores access configurations that are used to grant host access to logical devices in a Symmetrix storage array.

The VCM database resides on a special system resource logical device, referred to as the
VCMDB device, on each Symmetrix storage array.

Information stored in the VCM database includes, but is not limited to:
·     Host and storage World Wide Names
·     SID Lock and Volume Visibility settings
·       Native logical device data, such as the front-end directors and storage ports to which they are mapped
Masking operations performed on Symmetrix storage devices result in modifications to the VCM database in the Symmetrix array. The VCM database can be backed up, restored, initialized and activated. The Symmetrix SDM Agent must be running in order to perform VCM database operations (except deleting backup files).

Regarding the VCMDB, now this DB resides on the the two SFS (Symmetrix File System) volumes that are automatically created when binfile is build. You can identify them easily on bin. A small volume called still called VCM must still be created but it will be used just as a normal gatekeeper

DMX-4 Storage Provisioning Step by Step

Step by Step Procedure for storage provisioning & Reclamation in DMX-4

Storage Provisioning
·     Creating STD device
·     Forming Meta Device
·     Mapping
·     Masking

Storage Reclamation
·     Unmasking
·     Write Disable
·     Un-mapping
·     Dissolve meta
·     Deleting hypers

Step by Step Procedure for storage provision in DMX-4
·     Creating STD device

·        Verify the Symmetrix status symconfigure –sid 4282 verify
·         If any hung activities found abort
symconfigure –sid 4282 abort
·        Verify the available free space
symconfigure -sid SymmID [-v | -freespace [-units cylinders | MB]] list
symdisk –sid 4282 list –disk_group 2

·        Create Command file
Create dev count=8, size=12394, data_member_count=3, emulation=FBA,  config=RAID-5, disk_group=2;
·        Verify the command line syntax by performing PREVIEW using Symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f Create_hypers.txt v –noprompt preview
·        Verify the Array readiness  by performing PREPARE using Symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f Create_hypers.txt v –noprompt prepare
·        Execute COMMIT using Symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f Create_hypers.txt v –noprompt commit
·        Verify the newly created devices
Symdev –sid 4282 list –noport

·     Forming Meta Device
o Verify the Symmetrix status
symconfigure –sid 4282 verify
o If any hung activities found abort
symconfigure –sid 4282 abort
o Create Command file
Form  meta from dev 26CA, config=striped, stripe_size=1920;
add dev 26CB:26E4 to meta 26ca;
o Verify the command line syntax by performing PREVIEW using Symconfigure
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f meta.txt –v –noprompt preview
o Verify the Array readiness  by performing PREPARE using Symconfigure
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f meta.txt –v –noprompt prepare
o Execute COMMIT using Symconfigure command
 Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f meta.txt –v –noprompt commit
o Verify the newly created meta devices
Symdev –sid 4282 list –noport

·     Mappping
·        Find the host connected Director and Port details
symcfg –sid 4282 list –connections
o Find the available addresses on that port
symcfg –sid 4282 list –address –available –dir 7d –p 0
o Create a command file for mapping
map dev 26ca to dir 7d:0, lun=036;
o Verify the command line syntax by performing PREVIEW using
Symconfigure command
symconfigure –sid 4282 –f create_hypers.txt –v nop preview
o Verify the Array readiness  by performing PREPARE using
Symconfigure command
symconfigure –sid 4282 –f create_hypers.txt –v nop prepare
o Execute COMMIT using Symconfigure command
symconfigure –sid 4282 –f create_hypers.txt –v nop commit
o Check the device have been mapped
symcfg –sid 4282 list –address –available –dir 7d –p 0

·     Mappping
o Masking devices to the host
symmaskdb –sid 4282 wwn 10000000c93f62cf –dir 7d –p 0 add devs  26ca nop
Symmask –sid 4282 –refresh
o Check whether devices have masked
symmaskdb -sid 4282 list database -dir 7d -p 0

Step by Step Procedure for Storage Reclamation

·     Unmasking
o Unmasking devices from the host
symmaskdb –sid 4282 www 10000000c93f62cf –dir 7d –p 0 remove devs 26ca
      o Refresh the Symmetrix Array
Symmask –sid 4282 –refresh

·     Write Disable
o Write Disable the devices before unmapping from the Director and from port
symdev -sid 4282 write_disable 26ca -sa 7d -p 0 -noprompt
·     Un-mapping
o Create a cmd/txt file with the following line
Unmap dev 26ca from dir all:all;
o Perform preview operation using symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f unmap.txt –v –nop preview
o Perform prepare operation using symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f unmap.txt –v –nop prepare
o Perform Commit operation using symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f unmap.txt –v –nop commit
o Verify that the device has been unmapped
Symdev –sid 4282 list noport
·     Dissolve meta
o To Dissolve meta create a cmd/txt file with the following line
Dissolve meta dev 26ca;
o Perform preview operation using symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f dissolve.txt –v –nop preview
o Perform prepare operation using symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f dissolve.txt –v –nop prepare
o Perform Commit operation using symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f dissolve.txt –v –nop commit
o Verify that the meta has been Dissoved.
Symdev –sid 4282 list –noport

·     Deleting hypers
o To delete the hypers create a cmd/txt file with the following line.
Delete dev 26ca:26d1;
o Perform preview operation using symconfigure command
  Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f dissolve.txt –v –nop preview
o Perform prepare operation using symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f dissolve.txt –v –nop prepare
o Perform Commit operation using symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f dissolve.txt –v –nop commit
o Verify that Hypers have been deleted.
Symdev –sid 4282 list -noport

SymCli 7 Commands brief description

Symmetrix Command Line Interface Commands Brief Description

symapierr   - Used to translate SYMAPI error code numbers into SYMAPI error messages.
symaudit     - List records from a Symmetrix audit log file.
symbcv       - Perform BCV support operations on Symmetrix BCV devices.
     Symcfg       - Discover or display Symmetrix configuration information.
symchg      - Monitor changes to Symmetrix devices or to logical objects stored on Symmetrix devices.
symcli       - Provides the version number and a brief description of the commands included in the Symmetrix Command Line
symdev       - Perform operations on a device given the device's
Symmetrix name. Can also be used to view Symmetrix device locks.
symdg       - Perform operations on a device group (dg).
symdisk      - Display information about the disks within a Symmetrix.
symdrv       - List DRV devices on a Symmetrix.
symevent     - Monitor or inspect the history of events within a Symmetrix.
symgate      - Perform operations on a gatekeeper device.

symhost      - Display host configuration information and performance stats syminq       - Issues a SCSI Inquiry command on one or all device interface symipsec     - Administers IPSec encryption on Gigabit Ethernet connections symlabel     - Perform label support operations on a Symmetrix device.
symld        - Perform operations on a device in a device group (dg).
symlmf       - Registers SYMAPI license keys.
sympd        - Perform operations on a device given the device's physical name.
symsg       - Perform operations on a storage device group (sg).
symstat      - Display statistics information about a Symmetrix, a Director, a device group, or a device.
symreturn    - Used for supplying return codes in pre-action and post-action script files.
symaccess    - Administer Symmetrix Access Logix.
symacl       - Administer Symmetrix access control information. symauth      - Administer Symmetrix user authorization information. symcg       - Perform operations on an composite group (cg).
symchksum    - Administer checksum checks when an Oracle database writes data files on Symmetrix devices.
symclone     - Perform Clone control operations on a device group or on a device within the device group.
symconfigure - Perform modifications on the Symmetrix configuration.
symconnect   - Setup or Modify Symmetrix Connection Security functionality.
symfast      - Administer Symmetrix FAST (Fully Automated Storage Tiering) policies, associations, and the FAST Controller.
symmaskdb    - Backup, Restore, Initialize or Show the contents of the device masking database.
symmigrate   - Migrates the physical disk space associated with a Symmetrix device to a different data protection scheme, or to disks with different performance characteristics.
symmir       - Perform BCV control operations on a device group or on a device within the device group.
symoptmz     - Perform Symmetrix Optimizer control operations.
symqos       - Perform Quality of Service operations on Symmetrix Devices.
symrcopy    - Perform Symmetrix Rcopy control operations on devices in a device file.
symrdf       - Perform RDF control operations on a device group or on a device within the device group.
symrecover   - Perform automated SRDF session recovery operations.
symsan       - List ports and LUNs visible on the SAN
symsnap      - Perform Symmetrix Snap control operations on a device group or on devices in a device file.
symstar      - Perform SRDF STAR management operations. symtier     - Create and manage storage tiers within a Symmetrix. SYMCLI SRM(Mapping) Commands
symhostfs    - Display information about a host File, Directory, or host File System.
symioctl     - Send IO control commands to a specified application.
symlv        - Display information about a volume in Logical Volume Group (vg).
sympart      - Display partition information about a host device.
symrslv      - Display detailed Logical to Physical mapping information about a logical object stored on Symmetrix devices.
symvg       - Display information about a Logical Volume Group (vg).
create a zone and place it in the vsan # zone name testzone1 vsan 4
add a member (port wwn example) # member pwwn 10:00:00:00:c9:21:40:b8 (port on the host) add a member (fabric port wwn example) # member fwwn 10:01:10:01:10:ab:cd:ef (port on the switch)
add a member (FCID example - hard zoning) # member fcid 0x7f0000 (24 bit address)
add a member (FC alias example) # member fcalias payroll

MDS-series common commands
display logged in WWN, display vsan information # show flogi database display the specific vsan logins # show fcns database vsan 4
activatng a zoneset # zoneset activate name zone1 vsan 4 delete a zoneset # clear zone dataabse vsan 4
configure the default zone # zone default-zone permit vsan 4 display zones and zonsets # show zoneset active
# show zoneset
# show zoneset active vsan 4
copy active zone set to the full zone set # zone copy active-zoneset full-zoneset vsan 4 distribute the full zoning database to others switches # zoneset distribute full vsan 4
Creating zone by WWN zonecreate "zone1", "20:00:00:e0:69:40:07:08 ;
Create a zone configuration cfgcreate "test_cfg", "zone1 ; zone2" saving the zone configuration cfgsave (this will save across reboots) enable the zone configuration cfgenable "test_cfg"
saving the zone configuration cfgsave
view zoning information zoneshow or cfgshow

If you want you can create alias for zone members as well with "alicreate" and use cfgadd command to add zones to the active configuration.

DMX-4 Interview Questions

· Explain Rule 17 in DMX?
The Rule of 17 is to make sure that redundancy is in place so that the host does not lose access in case of a FA/DA director failure. The director cage of DMX can have
16 director cards numbering from 1-16. Two director cards are paired in such a way that the total adds up to 17. Example when a host is connected/lun is mapped
to the FA it is mapped to directors 1 and 16 or to directors 10 and 7.

· What are the Management Tools for DMX?
CLI -- Solution Enabler various version depending on the Enginuity code
GUI -- SMC (Symmetrix Management console)

·· How do you calculate number of cylinders for 50GB LUN? A cylinder is roughly 1 mb in size and 0.937mb to be precise

· What is the maximum hyper size in DMX-4?
60Gb and in case of Vmax 240Gb

· How many hypers can create in a Single disk?
255 and in case of Vmax 512

· How many members can contain in one meta? Max 255 members

· How many LUN IDs available per port?
Technically speaking 2048. Per port pair 4096, however this is flexible meaning either one can have all the 4096 devices or 2048 each or any combination which does not
exceed 4096. However this is not a good practice.

· What Dynamic LUN addressing?
Once the lun id on the port crosses 255 the host will not be able to see the lun and hence lun offset has to be used which has to be implemented carefully if not would
lead to host losing access to devices(luns). In order to overcome this dynamicl lun addressing is used in which the luns are numbered in the ascending order to the Host

· How do you add a new member to the existing Meta?
using the add  command

add dev 1234 to meta 4567 and then run the symconfigure command.

· What is stripping and what is Concatenating?

· What are the DMX-4 supported disk types, no. of disks and maximum capacity? FC,SATA. SSD is not supported. Capacity and number of disks vary from configuration to configuration.

· Briefly explain the DMX-4 supported Device types?

· What are the RAID levels DMX-4 Supports? RAID 0  -unprotected
RAID 1  - 2-way Mirror
RAID 10  - 2 way Mirror Meta (Striped)

· What are Vault drives and Hot Spare?

· What is Preview, Prepare and Commit while using Symconfigure command? Preview - verifies the command syntax

Prepare - ensured that sufficient system resources are avialble and also checks for any existing locks
Commit- commits the configuration. This can be run directly as it performs both the Preview and prepare actions as well.

· How do you check the failed disks in the Symmetrix Array?
symdisk list -failed

or symdev list -servcie_state failed and then run a symdev show on that device

· What are the service states of a device
RW NR Write_disabled

· How do you reserve the devices?

using reserve dev and then running the symconfigure command

· What is Tiering and how do you create the Disk Groups
Tiering is the process of grouping the disks based on their size, speed and Technology (Tier consisting of 1TB SATA or 400GB FC 10K Disks)

· How do you check the free space by Disk group and Array as whole?

symconfigure list -freespace or more accurate is symdisk list -dskgrp_summary

· Host is unable to see the storage, what may be the problem?
1. Zoning/masking not done
2. Correct Flags not set at the FA level
3. HBA does not have correct driver or firmware
4. Multipathing issues
5. Lun offset might not have been done in case of old DMX

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