Step by Step Procedure for Storage Reclamation

Step by Step Procedure for Storage Reclamation

oUnmasking devices from the host
symmaskdb –sid 4282 –www 10000000c93f62cf –dir 7d –p 0 remove devs 26ca
oRefresh the Symmetrix Array
Symmask –sid 4282 –refresh

Write Disable
oWrite Disable the devices before unmapping from the Director and from port
symdev -sid 4282 write_disable 26ca -sa 7d -p 0 -noprompt

oCreate a cmd/txt file with the following line
Unmap dev 26ca from dir all:all;
oPerform preview operation using symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f unmap.txt –v –nop preview
oPerform prepare operation using symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f unmap.txt –v –nop prepare
oPerform Commit operation using symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f unmap.txt –v –nop commit
oVerify that the device has been unmapped
Symdev –sid 4282 list –noport

Dissolve meta
oTo Dissolve meta create a cmd/txt file with the following line
Dissolve meta dev 26ca;
oPerform preview operation using symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f dissolve.txt –v –nop preview
oPerform prepare operation using symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f dissolve.txt –v –nop prepare
oPerform Commit operation using symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f dissolve.txt –v –nop commit
oVerify that the meta has been Dissoved.
Symdev –sid 4282 list –noport

Deleting hypers

oTo delete the hypers create a cmd/txt file with the following line.
Delete dev 26ca:26d1;
oPerform preview operation using symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f dissolve.txt –v –nop preview
oPerform prepare operation using symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f dissolve.txt –v –nop prepare
oPerform Commit operation using symconfigure command
Symconfigure –sid 4282 –f dissolve.txt –v –nop commit
oVerify that Hypers have been deleted.

Symdev –sid 4282 list -noport

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