SRDF splitting

1.   Logon to emc server.
2.   search for the host in question and the device group (in this case host4 device groupAdat3)
# symdg list
3.   split the device group
# symrdf -g host4_Adat3 split
4.   confirm the split
# symrdf -g host4_Adat3 query
5.   To reestablish the link
# symrdf -g host4_Adat3 establish

Q: Explain step by step procedure to perform SRDF/S?
SRDF/S normal operations
Creating device groups in source and target Arrays:
symdg -type RDF1 create "SourceDgName"
symdg -type RDF2 create "TargetDgName"

Adding devices R1 and R2 devices to source and target device groups
symld -g "SourceDgName" add dev "SymDevName"
symld -g "TargetDgName" add dev "SymDevName"

Setting SRDF mode of operation:
symrdf -g "DgName" set mode sync

SRDF normal operations:
symrdf -g "DgName" suspend
symrdf -g "DgName" resume

SRDF/S disaster recover operations
symrdf -g "DgName" failover
symrdf -g "DgName" update -remote
symrdf -g "DgName" failback

SRDF/S decission support operations:
symrdf -g "DgName" split
symrdf -g "DgName" restore
symrdf -g "DgName" establish

Q: Explain step by step procedure to perform SRDF/Asynchronous?
Creating RDF group:
symrdf addgrp -label -rdfg "GrpNum" -sid "SymID" -dir "DirNum" -remote_sid –remote_dir -remote_rdfg "RemoteRdfgNum"

Create device pair:
symrdf -file "DevFileName" -sid "SymID" -rdfg "GrpNum" -type r1 -establish -g "DgName" createpair –noprompt

Changing SRDF mode :
symrdf -g "DgName" set mode async -noprompt
Q: Explain step by step procedure to perform SRDF/AR for single hop?
Create a device group:
symdg create "DgName" -type regular

Add the standard device to the device group:
symld -g "DgName" add dev "SymDev"

Associate the R1/BCV device:
symbcv -g "DgName" associate dev "SymBcvDev"

Associate the remote BCV device:
symbcv -g "DgName" associate dev -rdf -bcv

Prepare the mirror states and start the session:
symreplicate -g "DgName" start -option "Path" -setup -consistent

Stop the session:
symreplicate -g "DgName" stop -nop

Restart the session:
symreplicate -g "DgName" restart -nop


Create a device group:
symdg create "DgName" -type regular

Add the standard device to the device group:
symld -g "DgName" add dev "SymDev"

Associate the R1/BCV device:
symbcv -g "DgName" associate dev "SymBcvDev"

Associate the remote BCV device:
symbcv -g "DgName" associate dev "SymBcvDev" -rdf -bcv

Establish the STD and R1/BCV:
symmir -g "DgName" establish -full

Split the STD and R1/BCV:
symmir -g "DgName" split -consistent

Resume SRDF link:
symrdf -g "DgName" resume -bc

Establish the R2 and remote BCV:
symmir -g "DgName" est -full -rdf -bcv

Split the R2 and remote BCV:
symmir -g "DgName" split -full -rdf -bcv

Establish the STD and R1/ BCV:
symmir -g "DgName" establish

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